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The easier way

subcontractors and
general contractors

can connect.


The easier way

subcontractors and
general contractors

can connect.

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Are you a subcontractor
or a general contractor?

An end to
blind bidding helps subcontractors and general contractors find each other. It’s like an online hangout where builders can team up and make the most of what each person is good at. General contractors get to find lots of subcontractors for all kinds of jobs, big or small. For subcontractors, it’s a chance to get noticed by big companies and land some of the bigger, steady jobs, especially when times are tough. They can also find better-paying jobs without worrying about the problems that come with guessing prices in ‘Blind Bidding’.

As for joining the platform, it’s pretty straightforward. Subcontractors pay $50 every month, which opens up a lot of chances for them to get work and be seen by bigger firms. On the other hand, general contractors can sign up for free. This way, everyone gets a fair deal, and they can work together easily. It’s all about teaming up and getting the job done.

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Find someone you may be interested in working for or hiring? Get in touch with them instantly via SubcontractingPlatform’s built-in chat functionality. Enjoy immediate, quick and easy communication between both parties.

Find licensed & insured candidates

Candidates on SubcontractingPlatform may display their licenses, proof of insurance, and other credentials right on their profile. Finding candidates with the right qualifications for your specific job has never been easier.

Showcase your

Show off your previous jobs and experiences on your SubcontractingPlatform profile to demonstrate that you’re an exceptional candidate. Lists your experiences in chronological order to showcase your growth in your industry.